Successfully complete strategic change of your IT organisation with these 8 steps

Responding to change has never been as important as it is now. If not to improve cooperation with your customers or service users, then definitely to set up and maintain an efficient internal organisation. Responding intelligently to change means taking into account people, processes and the organisational culture. IT and IT leadership play a key role in the change process. However, success in an IT project is not a given, in some sectors the failure rate is as high as 1 in 2. So, how can you optimise the organisation and scale up digital delivery? These are the 8 most important steps.

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1. Assess thoroughly and create clarity

A vigorous exploration process creates a clear foundation. By doing this, everyone knows what is going to happen, who is responsible for what and how you are going to guarantee the continuity of the change process. Ask the right questions, consult with stakeholders at various levels of the organisation and ensure sufficient speed. Do not immediately think in terms of a solution, but give an interpretation of what has to be resolved.

2. Use a framework as a starting point to achieve key goals

It is not always easy to get all the levels in an organisation on the same page. A framework can be of great help. It aids in setting priorities and with aligning and communicating about everything that concerns customers. Finally, it creates focus for the priorities you have set.

3. Use building blocks to create the right change culture

Successfully rolling out important changes or processes requires building blocks. There are six of these to ensure a successful delivery. For example, simplify the choice of software (1). Prepare for changes (2), also for the future. Divide the decision-making (3), give employees mandates. Put the user first (4). Create a dynamic, open environment (5) in which making mistakes is accepted. Finally, create more effective decision making (6).

4. Choose continuous development

If you start with change which includes the IT infrastructure, then prepare yourself for the fact that implementing changes will not just stop. If you embrace continuous development, then you can be sure that the effect of changes on your organisation will quickly diminish.

5. Make a choice between doing it yourself or outsourcing the change process

This is a strategic choice. Do you want to and can you set up a flexible organisation and IT infrastructure yourself, or will you choose to outsource this to an external partner? An external partner has two benefits. It contributes knowledge and provides inspiration. But... make sure you find a partner that fits with your company.

6. Create successful teams

Say goodbye to silo thinking by letting teams work together, even if you opt for the help of an external party. Create multidisciplinary teams and thus reduce background noise. Focus on the human factor, see who can work well together. Make teams the shared problem-owner and give them space without overloading them with tasks.

7. Consider a multidisciplinary and hybrid team

The more knowledge you put together in a well-organised way, the greater the chance of success. Multidisciplinary, and at the same time hybrid teams are an example of this. Ensure complementary and reinforcing teams with as much openness, co-creation and diversity as possible.

8. Select the right IT-partner

When selecting an external IT partner, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of the various options. Large service organisations provide a lot of expertise, but will the project manager remain involved? Is the proposed IT solution the best for your organisation? Be critical! Finally, a partner should always add value, at all levels.

Change? Make it successful.

These days, having to or wanting change almost always goes hand in hand with investment in or modification of the IT infrastructure. If you want to ensure a good return on these investments, you need a clear approach. A good assessment, clear communication and expertise are undeniable prerequisites. Would you like to know how your organisation can successfully make the change? Let Worth help!

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